One cool chick

People ask, "Who is that person over there?" to which people say, "That's one cool chick."

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Too many babies

Did anyone notice how many babies are running around these days? I heard that we're in the midst of another baby boom. I can't even imagine what would be fueling it. I mean, we're in good times here in Alberta, but it can't just be here that it's happening. There's not something in the water, I don't think. But even most of my friends got pregnant within the first month or two of trying, which I've heard is not very common. I was just looking at Tammer's blog, and she could pop any day now (and might have already), and I've been really thinking of my friend Carley who, it seems to me, is either very near or past her due date.

I remember that since the year I got married (2003), there have been at least 10 friends a year who got married - this year excluded, I think it's only 3 or 4 - and kids are coming out of the woodworks. I was at a baby shower for another friend last night, and it was really nice and I think everyone had a great time. I just get reminded at how awful it can feel to be the only one single or the one trying to get pregnant and seeing all of these other women having children seemingly effortlessly. And although you know that your time will come, and God has extra special plans for you, it's so hard not to worry about what happens in the meantime.

Well, this was more philosophical than I had planned (I rarely think a blog through before I start to write), and I think I'm going to sign off now. I think I'll go over to my in-laws and try to forget that report cards are due next Monday . . . mind you that's pretty tough because Trent's mom's a teacher too, and we talk shop a lot. Oh, well. It's better than sitting in my classroom on a Saturday afternoon when the sun's been shining and all the snow melting. I wonder where my dog is . . .


Blogger Swoosh said...

And by too many babies running around, I meant figuratively. :)

3:22 PM  

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