One cool chick

People ask, "Who is that person over there?" to which people say, "That's one cool chick."

Monday, October 01, 2007

One week left to go . . .

Well, that's just a rough estimate, I guess. Everyone who has a birthday in October has been telling me what day I should have the baby, but only God knows who will be the lucky person who gets to share my baby's birthday! :)

Things for the last couple of weeks have been pretty rough. Everything hurts or aches in a new way, so it seems, and I have spent a lot of time watching TV or trying to do things that involve sitting with my feet up (otherwise the swelling just gets out of control!). The baby dropped about a week ago, and today the nesting syndrome hit with a vengeance! I am either numb to the pain today, or it miraculously toned down significantly, so I was cleaning like a crazy person. Oscar didn't know what to do. I finally got to scrubbing out my kitchen cabinets, and stuff like that. I'm going to pack the diaper bag and see if there's anything else that I should be adding to my hospital bag either tonight or tomorrow. But I'm trying not to get my hopes up because it's still a week to my due date, and all along I predicted no earlier than the 15th. But we shall see...

Oh! I'm getting internet installed on Thursday, so there's a chance I'll actually get to post some pictures of my growing belly! Stay tuned . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippee baby!!!!

11:45 AM  
Blogger shinbone #4 said...

He was so close!! SO CLOSE!!

9:43 PM  

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