One cool chick

People ask, "Who is that person over there?" to which people say, "That's one cool chick."

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The country life

This morning, I was so impressed with myself because although I didn't get up any earlier than usual, I was at work before 7:30, which means that I was actually able to get a bit of work done before the kids get here. I was listening to my newly downloaded tunes (yay, I was actually able to download some last weekend!), and prepping like a crazy lady. Mostly because I was dancing like a crazy lady, but that's beside the point. Anyhow, I was in the staff room a couple of minutes before classes start, and one of the bus drivers, who is also an aid and has come over to visit, comes into the staff room. "Your dog's outside," she says. So I start freaking out because now I have to take her home, AND now she knows where I go every day, so how am I going to keep her home?!

So I get on my stuff, ask my aide to get the kids to read for 20 minutes while I take my dog home. Luckily, I had the truck today, so I could actually do that. (Mind you, that could be one of the reasons she followed me.) I get outside and I start whistling for her, but she doesn't come. I keep walking around to the back of the school looking for here, and I don't even see a crowd of kids, so I'm starting to panic that she took off down the highway. But then I round one more corner, and there's a huge pile of people standing right beside the doors, but they're all looking toward the school, and I still don't see the dog. Then all of a sudden, the kids see me, and they're all saying things like, "You're dog's so nice!" "Nice show and tell, Mrs. W." and "This is so cool!"

I wrestle my way into the crowd and grab Joules' collar and start pulling her toward the truck. She's so happy to see me that she's jumping all over the place. She was SO thrilled with all the attention she was getting from the kids (did I mention she's a real people dog?). So I chased her to the truck and she climbed into the box and we headed home. I felt so bad when I had to tie her up because she just looked so sad. She would love nothing more than to hang out at the school all day and play with the kids!

Then, all day today, the kids kept bringing it up. And all I could think about was "Mary had a Little Lamb" who followed her to school one day which was against the rules, and it made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I have no idea . . .

I did not realize that it has been so long since I blogged. I was impressed with myself for answering some e-mails the other day, though. That's a step in the right direction. I suppose my inability to keep new blogs coming has something to do with not having internet at home. As it stands, it's almost 4 o'clock, I wasn't at work this morning, and now I just have no idea where I should beginning with my post-craziness work, so I'm blogging at the request of Shinbone #4. Alas, I digress.

Hmm, what's new with me. Well, I have attained three new piano students since Christmas. One is a student in my class, and two are adults who work at the school. This I'm a little nervous of, since I don't want money to become an issue, but I'm also not willing to sit down once a week and give lessons for free. ;) One of them is a friend, and I would give her free lessons, but the other is probably going to be stressful. Oh, well. I've also heard it's harder to teach adults . . .

Well, what else is there? Oh! I have a funny story about my dog (a German Shepherd) that Trent told me. Apparently, one of the guys from Trent's work was on the lake ice fishing (I live right on a lake, in case anyone didn't know). Our dog loves being with people and has even made friends with a little dog next door and they play on the ice all the time. This time, she was alone, but she walked over to this guy who Trent works with and is just eyeing him up. He caught a fish and put it down on the ice for a moment, and she swooped in and stole his fish! We were thinking she was scavenging in the bush for food 'cause she hasn't been eating as much dog food, but apparently she's making a good living on the lake as well. I was thinking that we should make a big sign that she wears to warn the fishermen that says, "Be careful, I'll steal your fish" because I don't want someone to get really angry and hurt her. Silly pooch.

Anyhow, I really should do some work and get home. I'm making salmon for supper tonight, and I'm SO excited! (How sad . . . )

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year

Hello all. I decided that it was about time to write a new blog, and now I can because I'm back to work. (I hate not having internet at home - anyone have any ideas about how I can get rid of an obnoxious hill that stands in the way?)

Today was the first day back to work after my two-week holiday. I can't believe how fast it went. Christmas was alright. I really missed being with my family on Christmas Eve, though. It just didn't feel like Christmas this year. I would have to say that the best part of the holiday was the 4 days I spent in Edmonton with good friends. I would have to say - best New Years in a while! I would love to post some pics, but alas, no internet gets in the way of that, too.

So now it's back to work, and I feel totally lost. I forgot where we left off, and then I went ahead and left my plan book at home this morning! I don't really live that far away from school, but it would still take me almost half an hour to run home and get it, so I just made due. The kids didn't notice a thing! (most of them were pretty out of it today, too)

I love you all and hope you had a great holiday!