Well, it seems that Friday is the only day of the week that I feel like I have a bit of extra time, so here I am, trying to remain a faithful blogger. The trouble is, not much happens in my life. But I guess I have been remembering a lot of dreams lately (not sleeping too well), so I'll tell you about a couple of them. If you've already heard about one, skip down to the next.
"Mr. ? dies"
Well, it was a while ago, and I dreamed that one of my co-workers died. We were at my family's place in the country (which doesn't exist because it was my mom's family), and they were out to kill me and Mr. ?. They got him with hundreds of tiny needles, and I carried him over to my uncles and gave him to them. As I did I knew they were going to kill him, but that was ok because I was going to get away. Other stuff happened, but I don't really remember it now. But the crazy part is, just last week, there was a Mr. ? in Edmonton who was murdered. So my co-worker is still alive but someone else with the same name is not.
"I want a persimmon"
I was in Edmonton, and I needed to get onto the LRT to get to the Claireview station because there's an asian market there. My students were there and I kept missing the train because I had to get them on their trains. That lasted for quite a while. Then I finally got on the train and up to Clairview and into the asian market. Then I couldn't find any persimmon. They had little bags of it, but it was sliced and dried and dipped in different things like garlic. Then I asked someone if they knew where some persimmon was and they directed me to a little room on the side. When I walked in, it was like a library with dark wood, high shelves on all the walls, and tables. But all the shelves and tables were covered with exotic fruits. One table had purple pumpkins that were really in the shape of green peppers only much bigger (about a foot or so tall). Then I asked a clerk sitting at a podium in the middle of the room if they had any persimmon, and she said yes, but only the $50 variety. I was desperate enough to eat some persimmon that I was debating whether I was willing to pay or not, and then I woke up.
"Oscar runs away"
I was at a concert at the school in which my cat was part of. It was over, and I approached the front of the stage. Our youth pastor was there, and we chatted about how well the kids did. Then the kids started doing a walk-through of a new play (while all the parents were still in their seats and watching) when my high-school drama teacher comes to me and tells me whats going on now. Then Oscar (my cat) starts acting up and I get him and take him back to my class. I don't have a carrier, so he's just running around my room while I'm getting ready to go home. Then all these kids and parents start coming in and they leave the door to my class room open. I ask anyone if they've seen Oscar, and then I go out the door and I see him running for the door to outside. I chase after him even though it's night time and I'm just in my stocking feet. (I should probably mention that he's now the size of a small dog in my dream) I get outside and try to catch him, but of course I'm not fast enough, but he's also not running very far away from the school. Finally he stops and looks at me like he really doesn't trust me and starts hissing at me. And then I woke up.
Well, that's all I can remember now. I'm sure I'll remember another bunch by this time next week. The crazy thing is, I can identify why I dreamed about most of the things I dreamed about - persimmon: I was looking in the asian market in WEM and couldn't find any, the drama teacher: my brother was going to try to meet while he was up last weekend, Oscar running away: he often tries to get out the door, etc.
Bye all!